The definition according to Mirriam-Webster is: a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities or confidence in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities.
Society says to “Fake it till you make it”, but I have discovered that confidence is so much more than that! To know what it is, we must know what it is NOT.
Confidence is NOT rooted in Comparison or Pride, it’s not about comparing ourselves to others.
In latin, the root is “Con Federe” and means Intense Trust. Do you TRUST yourself intensely? True confidence is authentic and genuine and it is rooted in Truth.
Being confident allows you to take charge of your life and create what you actually want. You become a conscious Creator of your life instead of slipping into victim mode. It also allows you to stand up for your values and strengths. I teach people how to STAND in their own confidence. This allows them to show up how they want to in relationships.
How to Create More
In order to have confidence, you must know who you are: your true identity. Get to know your gifts and uniqueness and be honest about who you are and then you can lean into who you want to become.
You must love all the parts of you! Only loving the “good” parts of you or the ones that seem worthy only creates a false sense of self worth. Then when you mess up, your confidence comes tumbling down. Learn to embrace and love all the parts of you, that is when you are truly confident!
You will also need to regularly remind yourself. We live in a world that is quick to beat us down, we need constant reminders of who we are and that we are worthy; that we are enough!
Learn to TRUST yourself intensely! This goes for us personally, in our relationships, and in every other situation you encounter. What would change for you today if you trusted yourself completely?
Learning to stand in your confidence and trust yourself intensely is something I teach in my How to Flourish in 60 days course. 8 Weeks to FLOURISH in your life and relationships! Click on the link below to see how you can Flourish too!