Our Amazing Brain- It is incredible! Research shows that how or what we think directly affects our moods and how we feel. The good news is that if thinking affects our feelings, then we can change how we feel by changing how we think. I share 4 ways to engage in healthy thinking patterns and how to apply them to your life
“Mindset doesn’t just change the way we feel about an experience, It actually changes the objective result of that experience.” – Shawn Ancor
And that’s why, because what we think is how we feel, we take action from that feeling. That’s what humans do. And then art that’s what creates our results. So proof in this is that two people can face the same circumstance. Or the event in their life and have very different reactions.
That’s because whatever’s happening the event, the circumstance is interpreted in their mind. So how we think about something affects how we feel about it and this relationship between thinking and feeling it’s been acknowledged in modern times and proven in research. And it’s also very prevalent in ancient wisdom as well.
So here’s the good news that if thinking affects our feelings, then we can change how we feel by changing how we think. Right. Because our thinking so automatic that sometimes we think that it can’t be changed and it feels really valid. Right? Of course, I’m feeling this. That’s great. And you are because of the thoughts that you’re thinking and the way that you’re perceiving life, but thinking is actually a skill that can be practiced.
It can be strengthened and our feelings and emotions can actually be better controlled if we take the time to learn. And it all begins with the first step in this process, which is our mindset or thinking. So I don’t want you to get stuck. This is the empowering thought for today is that you have more control over how you feel and the action that you take and the results in your life.
Because you have the ability to choose your mindset and the way that you think about a situation, as much as you think that your control lies outside of you and that you are a victim to your circumstances, I’m here to say you have more power than you, right? It’s so cool. I’ve watched this in action in my own life and in the lives of others in my
4 Automatic Responses
Here are the 4 automatic responses that our minds will offer us. By noticing these automatic responses, we are able to consciously choose the thinking patterns that will serve us better. Instead of working in auto pilot, we can actually choose how we want to think. Developing healthy thinking skills can change those negative thought patterns and moods into positive ones.
Self Judgements
Now you can harness the power of your amazing brain to think and feel how you want as well as the result. “Mindset doesn’t just change the way we feel about an experience – it actually changes the objective result of that experience” -Shawn Achor.

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