Did you know that you have a relationship with yourself? Today we talk about the components of a healthy relationship with yourself and get you thinking about how you can cultivate a happy and healthy relationship with yourself! We often work on improving our relationships with others and we can use those same components of Communication, Honesty, Trust, Understanding, Respect & Love to enhance our relationship with ourselves.
Your relationship with yourself.
Did you know that you have a relationship with yourself? So many times when we think about relationships, we think about the other people in our lives, whether we have a significant other, a spouse, children, or parents or siblings, and those are all very important relationships in our lives.
As humans, we are wired for connection and it is an innate need. Today I’d just like to propose to you that you also have a key relationship with yourself. Now, when we think about a healthy relationship with others, there’s some key components that usually come to mind. So we’re going to use that as our framework today, as we discuss the relationship with our.
This is a podcast that I hope will help you look deeply into yourself and see if your relationship with yourself is a healthy one, or if it could use a little tweaking and improvement, some of the components that we usually think of when we think about a healthy relationship, include honesty, trust, understanding, respect, love and communication. So those are the things that we are going to frame within your relationship with yourself.
The first one is communication. Now I know this seems a little bit silly because. You think about having a conversation with someone else, but we communicate with ourselves on a daily basis. We all have an inner dialogue that happens in our minds on a daily basis. Minute to minute, there is a dialogue going on in our mind, and I want you to think about it.
How do you talk to yourself? Is it positive and uplifting things like you’ve got this, or “this is going to be so successful or this project is going to be finished on time” Or is it, “you’re such a failure, you’ll never be able to do that”.
I want you to really take a really close look and examine the inner dialogue that happens in your mind each day. It’s those thoughts that happen all the time. One thing that my inner dialogue likes to say to me a lot is, well, that was a total failure and I just have to reframe it and say, Failure is part of success and I’m learning to succeed.
And by answering that inner dialogue back then I can reframe and speak kinder to myself. So communication is such an important aspect of all healthy relationships. And it is with you too. I want you to notice today, what are the things that you tell yourself and why. Is the communication in your own mind that inner dialogue?
Is it part of a healthy relationship with yourself or could it use a little bit of improvement? We all have an inner critic within us. And there’s no real way to silence that, but you don’t have to believe everything that your inner critic tells you, you get to choose the inner dialogue. You get to choose how you answer that inner critic back.
So when that inner critic offers you that you’ll never be able to finish this project, you say “I might not, but I’m going to try”. You can always answer that back in that inner dialogue, isn’t it? It is an essential part of the communication that happens with yourself. The next component of a healthy relationship that we’ll talk about today is honesty.
And I want you to really ask yourself, are you being honest with yourself and how are you doing. Are you able to take a situation or a circumstance of some sort and really be able to step back and observe what’s really going on so many times we tell ourselves a story. The inner dialogue in our mind.
We tell ourselves a story of what’s going on. That there’s meaning behind what other people in our lives are doing. And if we can step back and just say, “what’s honestly going on here”? Being honest with ourselves will help. you create a healthier relationship with yourself.
I need to appreciate that quality of honesty in my relationship with myself. By just pulling back, observing what is happening, and being more mindful of what’s actually going on here is a great way to do that. And then being able to say, “okay, this is what’s honestly happening”.
Then I don’t have to have this backstory or make what someone else is doing mean necessarily anything but that I can just take a real good, honest look at what’s happening and being honest with myself, the next component of a healthy relationship.
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