Happiness: 8 Virtues to Cultivate so you can be happier!
Happiness: 8 Virtues to Cultivate. Living in alignment with certain virtues can actually increase your happiness!
Happiness: 8 Virtues to Cultivate
Let’s talk about how you can cultivate more of that happiness in your life. There are actually eight virtues that you can work on cultivating in your life that can actually increase your level of health.
Happiness: 8 Virtues to Cultivate. Living in alignment with certain virtues can actually increase your happiness! All of us have virtues that are unique to us, but here are eight virtues that all of us can cultivate that are proven to bring more happiness.
You can have knowledge and you can have common sense. And those two together would be wisdom. Whatever your definition of wisdom is, that is a key component to happiness.
Self Mastery
The next virtue is self-mastery. Now, this one is really interesting because some people will say that self-mastery is actually holding you back, I disagree. Self-mastery is the key to being able to be happy for strong relationships.
It really is the goal in life for all of us is to be able to master ourselves instead of letting something else, master us. It’s that same idea of that. We act, rather than being acted upon. We need to be committed to living a great life and being able to do that well, we need to be able to master ourselves.
The third virtue to cultivate that will actually increase your happiness is courage! Courage is a virtue that you can practice. So how does courage help you to be happier? Well, courage let’s first talk about what courage is. Courage is acting in the presence of fear.
All of us will feel fear in our lives, we’re human. It’s a natural human emotion, and we have the choice to either shrink back in fear, or to act in the presence of fear. That is being courageous. So whatever is holding you back, be courageous and act in the presence of fear and keep going. By practicing that, you cultivate that virtue in your life.
The fourth virtue is Love. In our world and in our society today, sometimes kindness, compassion and love is looked down upon or seen as some type of weakness, which is absolutely not true. To cultivate love, we do have to have those caring, compassionate, and encouraging thoughts. We can be kind, generous and encouraging. When we practice those things, our virtue of love actually increases.
Virtue number five is hope. If we will cultivate the virtue of hope, then you can see the direct correlation to our happiness. Hope is to know that your future will be better than your present.
You need to do whatever it takes to make your future better than your present. When we don’t embody that virtue, we are quite literally “hopeless”. So welcome hope into your life knowing that your future will be better because you’re going to do whatever it takes to make your future better than your present.
Number six is gratitude – this is a familiar one. Everything that we have comes to us from God, and we can just think God for the blessing of everything. Absolutely everything in our lives comes from that divine source. And as we appreciate that, we are blessed more abundantly! Keep a gratitude journal and what to include in that to actually increase your levels of happiness.
Virtues number seven is curiosity, because curiosity naturally leads to happiness and it puts us in a place where we are no longer judgemental toward ourselves or to other people in our lives.
So when you have curiosity, you see what’s working and what you need to do. I t also opens me up to understanding and compassion. Instead of being judgmental to myself, I can just say objectively, “what is working and what is not?” I don’t need to blame or shame. I can just be curious.
One of my favorite curiosity phrases to use is “isn’t that fascinating?” What I noticed that I am doing something that I don’t necessarily want to do, or I’m not showing up as my best self, I can lay down the judgment and I don’t have to make it mean anything about me.
I can just ask, “What’s working here?” Cultivating curiosity with ourselves actually helps us be more curious with the people in our lives and less judgmental. It improves our relationships as a parent, as a spouse, as a coworker in family and extended family relationships, or even in friendships, really cultivating the virtue of curiosity serves us so much better than making judgements!
The eighth and final virtue to cultivate is my favorite because I can’t say it without smiling or laughing – It is zest. The virtue of zest is something that has just an energized quality about it. When we have increased energy and zest, we have more happiness!
Then we can give the world all we’ve got. In order to do that, we have to really make sure that we are taking care of ourselves and really focusing on the fundamental things like eating, moving, sleeping, focusing, prospering, prospering, all of those fundamental things help us to be zesty!
To cultivate more Happiness, cultivate these 8 virtues in your life today! That is how you Emerge Empowered!
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