What is Clarity?
Let’s define clarity: the quality of transparency or purity, the quality of being coherent and intelligible
We use phrases like “clarity of purpose” or “moment of clarity” or “She remembered what happened that day with surprising clarity.” We also talk about the clarity of the photographs was amazing or that audio has excellent clarity of sound. But it can also be used to describe the clarity of the lake’s water.
What it is NOT:
To help us understand what clarity is, it is often useful to discover what it is NOT. The opposite is cloudiness, Fog, Murky – not seeing clearly.
A useful antonym is Turbid: meaning thick or opaque with or as if with roiled sedimenta.Tturbid stream: heavy with smoke or mist: deficient in clarity or purity : FOUL, MUDDY: characterized by or producing obscurity (as of mind or emotions)
The Difference Clarity Makes
I remember vividly the day I got my first pair of glasses and being able to see clearly and distinctly for the first time in over a year. Instead of a blurry tree, I could see individual leaves and branches. Things that had been hard for me to see, were simply easier to see with far more definition. The lights that had scattered at night were now distinct and clear.
We are bombarded with all sorts of messages, ideas and “shoulds” from a variety of sources. Finding Clarity is an important step in helping us clear away to clutter and see clearly what is most important.
Benefits of Seeing Clearly
Just like seeing through a window or windshield that was not clear, clearing away confusion and clutter from our lives helps us to see what is important to us. Then we can act on the clear information that we have. It clears away the confusion and helps us to have better decision making skills as we move forward.
Are you fully aware of how your clear/unclear thinking is affecting all aspects of your life? What would your life be like if you could clear away the uncertainty and clutter and live with clarity. You could see and identify the problems or roadblocks in your life and enable you to quickly find a solution! It helps you shine the light on what is actually happening so it makes decision making simpler and easier.
How Clarity Helps You
Parenting: what would it be like to actually see clearly what is happening and what is you are creating in your relationships with your children?
Purpose: Finally knowing what to focus on in your life and prioritizing the most important things.
Relationships: How to get to the root of the problem and actually make progress creating connection with the people you love.
Decision Making: Be confident in your decision making ability and being able to confidently act on it.