A letter to all the mom’s who feel like they have “Lost Themselves”
Today I have a letter to all the moms who feel like they have lost themselves. Recently an amazing young mom that I love and admire posted on Social Media the following: (I share with her permission)
From a Mom Like You:
“This is Me 12 years ago.
I don’t look quite like her anymore. Smile quite like her anymore. Or have the world at my fingertips quite like her anymore.
In fact lately, I’m not sure where exactly she went.
But this year I’d like to find her again. Find the pieces that have been lost along the way during the last decade. Accept the changes that have happened – good and bad. Because I am stronger now than I was then in so many ways. And remember that change is good. Bodies change. Stages of life change. The amount of sleep you get changes 😅
I have so much more now than I did those years ago: I have my own forever family, I have done hard things. Been through hard things. Yet in the process, parts of me have gotten lost. I mean, what are hobbies anymore?
I’m writing this as I stare at my disaster of a house — toys and dishes and baby dolls and teething toys strewn across every surface. Spit up and part of my lunch on my clothes. Unwashed hair pulled up. No makeup on.
Life is interesting. There seems to be very organized and unorganized phases that get thrown at you. My detail oriented brain cringes at the mess around me that I need to clean up. Yet I’m allowing myself to wait just a little longer to face it. The expectations I place on myself are crippling some days. Can you relate?
I’m grateful for a new year. Grateful for my family. My husband, My darling children, My friends, A Savior who understands. It’s going to be a good one, I can feel it!”
How to Find Yourself Again
If you are feeling like you’ve lost yourself
Go find her! Please be brave and go find her again, she still lives within you! Center yourself in your true identity (not accomplishments or to do’s)
What do you enjoy? Rekindle your desire to do the things you love
Practice Self Love Daily – Don’t underestimate the power of being Loving and Compassionate to yourself!
Take care of Her! Take time to care for you. Think outside the box to get your needs met. Loving you and taking care of your needs is your job, make sure that happens on the regular!
Feed your Body, Mind, Heart and Soul: I want you to know that your needs matter, so make sure you are doing things each day that replenish and nourish your body, mind, heart and soul!
Change the story: Ask “what is really true?” Brene Brown says that “So much of emotion is biography.” What is the story you tell yourself? How can you change your story to something that is also true and helps you face each day with optimism and gratitude?
Drop the Comparison, Guilt and Shame: You were never meant to be compared, celebrate your unique gifts. You are Enough! Grab my FREE MINI COURSE and discover that you are Enough in 10 days! You can watch my FREE Workshop to get rid of the Mom Guilt once and for all! WATCH HERE
Make a “Do Something” list: Work toward something that will help you feel fulfilled and more like yourself! Make the arrangements and enjoy each and every part of this adventure!